07 June 2005

Voilà, je commence.

D'accord, c'est le début.

So here I begin. In a matter of two more days, I reach the start of my 37th year. There will be no fanfare, I'm almost positive. Perhaps I'll have a soy lattè at the new café. Or maybe I'll sleep late in John's hotel room in Commerce. No matter what, I don't want to be alone. My children will be with their mother, where I am loathe for them to be, and not just on my birthday. In what is supposed to be my year, the Year of the Rooster, 3rd cycle in my lifetime, I'm not having the best of luck. I must have misread information about the Asian Zodiac. I'm not sure that it would have been any better any other year. This custody battle with my ex-wife Morgan has turned into a nightmare. I cannot bear to be without my children. When they are gone, it is hard to fill up my time with anything of worth.

This is an exercise in self-loathing maybe. One I shall end soon because I'm sure it will bore readers quickly.

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