27 May 2008

At last, at last, thank God, a winner at last!

Yesterday I attended my fourth Poetry Slam at the Barnes & Noble in Newnan. With a small crowd, my own children as a judging team and two of my own students as competition (and a darling little girl who couldn't have been more than 7 years old)...I WON! Youpi! Hourah! The $25 gift card is mine and Marie won a free desert for a cute little drawing. Below you'll find the winning poems and art work.

Guard Dog
Small black dog
asleep on a chair.
From outside
an engine's rumble or a neighbor's knock,
he's all snarls and barks and bristled hair.
Short races he makes
from one corner to another of the window ledge,
then two big brown eyes look back
for approval.
A short pant and a yip, a groan and a grunt,
now the home, protected once more,
gets a quick tour from a faithful
four-footed detective.
A damp black nose
sniffs ottoman and coffee table.
All's well.
Back to the chair,
once, twice, thrice
a circle of steps
before settling down again to surveille
the living room
for potential danger.
Little black pup,
homebound K9,
keeps me safe and sane.

Lazy Monday
Drip-drop from the espresso machine in the shop.
A rookie barista gets me the last cookie in the bakery case
to eat here despite the to-go-bag.
In this place where I can relax amid words and music,
and after only a small deduction from my debit card!
I take pleasure in the moment's leisure
to peruse a few books,
check out a Blu-ray that my device won't play
'til prices one day come down.
So back to the books where my mind makes up the pictures
in mental high def.
All that's left in my paper cup, a swig or two,
and time is up!
The last of my pax arabica
before going home to resume
the pattern of commute and reboot,
of work and rest.

Marie's Flower: crayon, marker and graphite on 20 lb. paper


JL said...

WOW congrats Ken and Marie's drawing is wonderful

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Your dog takes his job very seriously. Good boy.

Congratulations! More money for lattes.